Monday, November 23, 2009


The day I was born I was all ways different from ever one else. I have white tiger fur that covers most of my skin and a glowing green lantern on my chest. We seen many and many of doctors but they could never tell me how this problem came about. You may some times see me in the media for this condition. Its hard to live this way because people some times see me as a freak and I scare them away that’s why I am home schooled. It’s all so hard to even walk out he house and people just look and stare at me like I am different form them or some thing. At times I wish I could have been born different but for now I am just going to use this for a good thing.
some good things of me being like this is I got special powers I can fly and run fast and whatever I want so have to use as a weapon comes out of my chest as my lantern lights up in flashing bright color of green. So I am praised for doing these good deeds but I can’t really live a normal life due to these powers too. But as long as I know I am helping people in need I am happy and I keep on pushing forward. I hope later on in the future my son or daughter do not have to this same thing as me because its really hard and some times it takes a toll on me to make me want to give up.
The food that I have to eat is very weird too some times I have to eat these big stakes that have this green kind of mixture in them because they tell me that there isn’t any thing else I can eat to make me stay healthy. How they got these two ingredients was they found out what the animals that my body is mix with eat and they came out with that. But I got to admit that that food is a little tasty come on now its stake not really sure what the green stuff might be but I know it’s in there. I have also been told there are a few people that might be just like me but mix with other kinds of animals and stuff like that I might one day meet some of them.


  1. ME LIKE!
    it kept me very entertained, and it was really mutnt like.
    i liked that you can be with others of your kind. and that your white. (not being rasict)
    i just have one question were you born like that?

  2. where is food coming from? you have a alot of spelling and grammer errors. and what animal are you mixed with?

  3. We seen many and many of doctors but --verb tense error
